The Very Best Way to Prove the Durability of an EZ Pool
Traditional metal-sided above-ground pool owners are terrified to let their dogs into the pool because their claws will damage the thin liner used with that type of cheap tin can. Not so with an EZ Pool. Our incredibly strong, American-made, poly-reinforced portable pool material is similar to what the military uses for its inflatable boats or used in making those giant blimps over football games. So let the dog play all they want. Better yet, buy them their own EZ Pool.
A Cool Safe Space for the Dog
Every year customers buy our pools to be used for their dogs. We have done Dog Dock Diving pools (see below pictures), roaming dog pool events, dog shows and a lot of families that buy a pool just for their dog to have a way to cool down.
Canine family members love the durability of the pool material. But we also provide advice for proper care of the pool as the animals have different needs and care than humans. Though it is true, many dogs share pools with humans, there are important tricks to keeping the pool equipment and water safe for both.
If you are looking for a pool specifically for your four-legged family member, reach out to us for advice on the best choices.
EZ Pool Dog Events
Roaming Dock Dog Diving is a great show to watch. People are always amazed at the height and distance a dog can jump. A durable EZ Pool is an ideal way to make this easy, affordable and available in any size.

How about an EZ Pool for Sea Dogs?
Technically Sea Lions, but if you've ever heard them "bark" they sound more like dogs than lions. The Santa Cruz Aquarium needed to have a temporary facility to isolate sick sea lions from the herd. So they reached out to EZ Pools and we provided them with a durable pool that allowed them to have a inexpensive isolation pool for sick animals.
Just another example of how strong and durable an EZ Pool is.

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EZ Pools Meet the NADD Pool Size Requirements
Logo registered to NADD and has no affliation with EZ Pool Products.
America's leading authority on dog dock diving, N.A.D.D., has been helping small businesses throughout the country offer and support a great dog-centric activity - dock diving. They have a Full Requirement Guide where they offer advice and guidance on starting and running a dog diving facility. On page 9 they recommend a minimum pool size of 21'x41', Recently, however, they are encouraging new buyers to go longer, if they can. Surprisingly dogs are jumping further and fruther these days. EZ Pools can meet and exceed these requirements.
Every Size Imagineable