When McDonald's needed a pool - they called EZ Pools
McDonald's wanted to make a splash with the local community in downtown Los Angeles during the annual BET event at the Staples convention center. In an area that normally is just for walking, McDonald's put on a huge summer "Pool Groove" event around a 32' x 62' portable EZ Event Pool. In less than two days, they went from an empty park area to a beautiful swimming pool party for a three day event in downtown Los Angeles. See more Pictures Here >>
Learn More about EZ Event Pools
Our American made EZ Event Portable Pools help make a lot of events possible. With its easy and durable design, EZ Event Pools can be any color, size, depth and more.
We have over 30 years of experience in the portable pool market. In fact many of the reasons you are searching for a portable event pool is because of our experience. We have been a part of some truly amazing events around the world.
An EZ Event Portable Pool is unique in that we offer you more options than all other suppliers combined. Because every EZ Pool is made to order right here in the USA, we can customize it to fit your needs. This includes different colors, differents shapes, different sizes even different applications. For example:
In 2012 we were contacted by the United States Navy. We of course have provided many pools for the US Navy for a variety of reasons. But this one was very unique - it was for an underwater pool. Instead of using our pool to hold water, they were using the pool to hold sand. The company was perfecting the percision of underwater sonar and they needed to be able to adjust the level of the sand by less than inches to see if the sonar could detech the change. So they had designed an underwater frame that could be cracked up and down, while we made the pool material. The result was an underwater pool.
How about for a nuclear bomb? In another Navy-based experiment, we provided the Navy with a deeper than normal pool that was to be assembled on the White Sands Missle Range underneath a giant EMP device. Nuclear bombs put out an Electromagnetic Pulse that shuts off all electrical devices. Ever seen Don Cheadle in Oceans Eleven? So the idea of the test was to see how high to the surface can a submarine's antenna be without being effected by the EMP. If you saw the above-referenced movie then you can imagine how we felt assembling the pool. But all went well and they determined what they needed to know.
Check us out and let’s have a conversation about how an easy and affordable EZ Pool can meet your every event pool need.

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