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The Henry Family
7' Wide x 32' Long EZ Lap Pool
These pictures do not represent all the pools we sold for that year, just the pools whose customers have sent us pictures so far. Since most of our customers rarely have problems with their EZ Pool, we sometimes never hear from them again. But when they need us, they know how to find us. If you find these pictures on unaffiliated websites (nefarious and unscrupulous imitators), please let us know.
Mr Henry had a dream, but the high water tables of Florida amde that dream impossible. Much like many lake and sea-level land, the moment you did down you hit water. As a result, most municipalities will not allow in-ground pools. Why? Well when you drain the pool for service, the high water table will pop that tub right out of the ground.
But like so many other Floridians, he used our pool to make his dream a reality. Sure you can see the pool will be setting in water, but between the elevated placement and the materials of our pool, Mr. Henry was very happy to sit back and look at his amazing view.