05'  l  06'  l  07'  l  08'  l  09'  l  10'  l  11'  l  12'  l  13'  l  14'  l  15'  l  16'  l  17'  l  18'  l  19'  l  20'  l  21'  l  22'


These pictures do not represent all the pools we sold for that year, just the pools whose customers have sent us pictures so far. Since most of our customers rarely have problems with their EZ Pool, we sometimes never hear from them again. But when they need us, they know how to find us. If you find these pictures on unaffiliated websites (nefarious and unscrupulous imitators), please let us know.

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The Belisle Family

7' Wide x 12' Long Decked EZ Pool

Yards get smaller, but the desire for a swimming pool grows. Good thing there is EZ Pools!

The Belisle family has a very standard (small) yard that they recently updated to include a swimming pool. Purchasing a 7x12 EZ Pool, they slightly put in the ground so the top of the pool/deck would match the side of the house. The result is a beautiful example of hard work.