A Brief History of Portable Pools in America
So, who are we? Well, we are the very reason you are looking at a portable pool. Allow us to explain.
In The Beginning. In 1988, we helped introduce America to the very first soft-sided, single-layered portable swimming pool. It was called the "Knock-Down User-Friendly Do-It-Yourself Portable Pool" - which we later shortened to simply the KD Pool®. (Most people don't know what the "KD" stands for - we do because we helped to invent it.)

The Italian Connection. At the 1992 International Pool and Spa Expo in Atlanta, a small Italian company was introducing America to their version of a portable pool. Luigi, the founder of Splash in Italy, sold the rights to his product to an American company and Splash SuperPools® was born.
KD and Splash worked together and formed an informal alliance. Since they only made rectangle pools and KD only made round pools, it made sense to work together to cultivate and educate dealers about the value a portable pool offers.

The Royalty Series. As the dealer market became more familiar with the values a portable pool offered them, KD launched a new line of pools - the Royalty Series.
Unlike the non-reinforced vinyl liner material used in conventional above-ground, metal-sided pools - which can easily rip or tear, the poly-reinforced material used with KD Pools was extremely durable. Similar to the same material used military inflatable boats - it was the easiest more durable pool available. The Royalty Series was designed specifically to help pool and spa dealers attract customers.

Zodiac - the Boat People. In 1998, Zodiac bought KD Products, Inc. However, for whatever reason, they decided to not purchase the KD factory in Korea. Instead, they decided to have the future of KD built by the Chinese. Though all of us that were involved with the creation of the KD Pool tried to help Zodiac, we all quickly realized it was not the best way to proceed.

Enter China. A few years after Zodiac bought KD Products, a small beach ball company entered into the large retailer market with a KD Pool knock-off.
China is very famous for ignoring US Patents (of which Zodiac bought two from KD Products) and flooded the market with cheap knock-offs. The Chinese product was never as good as the old KD Pool, but sadly the cheap product had taken over the mass-merchant market.

Enter doughboy® One of the biggest obstacles the portable pool faced early on was the apprehension of above-ground pool retailers to sell it. Traditional metal-sided above-ground pools had been around for over 80 years. They, and their dealers, viewed the portable pool as just a passing fad.
So in late 1999, we helped connect the original KD pool manufacturer (in Korea) and Hoffinger Industries (parent company of doughboy at the time) to form a new alliance - and the Pearl Wave™ was born. It was our belief that if the portable pool was ever going to be truly accepted, it had to be recognized by the above-ground pool market.
Unfortunantely doughboy did not expand the market, merely parasited sales from other portable pool retailers. But as we suspected would happen, Intex from China copied the design, using cheaper materials, and flooded the market.

The Portable Pool's Legacy. We have never been me-too thinkers. We decided the swimming pool market needed to see something different. So in 2000, working with the original KD Pool factory in South Korea, we decided to raise the bar again in the portable pool industry.
We culminated all the improvements we have made with the portable pool and introduced the Legacy Portable Pool. It was the very first portable pool to offer; an oval-shape (a first), a 52" depth (a first), and a unique marblized liner pattern (also a first). The name "Legacy" was used because it truly represented the very best of what we had achieved over the years. Sadly, the name and the product has changed hands so many times in the past ten years that today we are not sure who owns the name, the brand or where the product comes from. So buyer beware.
Enter...Everybody Else. As is the case in every industry, once there is a success story for one company, many more enter into the market. Where there used to be only one portable pool (the KD Pool), then there were many. In fact, many of the once apprehensive above-ground pool companies had at one point offered their own portable pool - companies like doughboy® (the Pearl Wave), Secard (the Legend Pool), Cornelius Pools (the Quik-Set Pool), SCP (the Dynasty Pool), and even spa companies entered the market for awhile (Catalina Pools). Though we welcomed them into the market place we are saddened that they merely mimmicked the Legacy Pool name - not the innovative spirit.
Today, most them of are out of the portable pool market. Intex from China stole designs and patents and flooded the market so much that for a while you could buy one of their cheap pools at the local grocery store. The market was ready for a change - again.
Why We Are America's Favorite Portable Pool
Like the old saying goes; "If you want anything done right, you have to do it yourself." So in 2005 we formed an American based manufacturer of portable pools that was geared on selling made-to-order portable pools customer direct. If you didn't buy your EZ Pool from us, then you didn't buy an EZ Pool.
After struggling with manufacturing a quality product overseas, we decided it was time to start making portable pools right here in the United States. We created the portable pool market way back when,and we still continue to lead the way with new and innovative ideas.
Today eCommerce and the Internet are shaping the way people shop, compare and buy products. We've led the charge to create the most secured and reliable source for a quality made-in-America portable lap pool available online. Collectively, we have sold more customer-direct portable lap pools than anybody else on the planet. And with each new idea we unveil, we are quickly copied - which is a compliment in itself.
We also have been a proud member of the Better Business Bureau, and have maintain an A rating with them throughout all these years. The fact that we have been a verified member with them for so long tells you alot about us as a company and our product.
So why are we America's favorite portable pool? Because no other company in America can offer you so many choices, so many options and accessories. And no other company can offer you a quality portable lap pool Made Right Here in the United States!!
We Should be Your First Choice,
but We are Happy to be Your Last Choice!

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